My old and new antenna system for 80/160m
Stacca antenne all'esterno dello Shack.
Detach antennas on the outside of the Shack.
Nella foto la mia vecchia verticale HF2B auto costruita.
In the picture my old vertical home made HF2B.

My new project started in spring 2018 of a 24m vertical antenna with linear loading. The project can be viewed in the picture below.
La mia antenna HF2 in costruzione
My HF2 antenna under construction
Tutto parte da qui !!!
Everything starts from here !!!
The gift that the last snow gave me in February 2018.
" And the support pole of the old vertical HF2 "
to then make a plinth 100x100x150

And in a short time the new antenna was born with supports for the tie rods, insulators for the linear loading, and we set up the first 10m.
The new support pole
The antenna works on 80 and 160 meters, so I decided to do it in continuous tuning, both on 160 and 80 meters.
Fixed coil, variable vacuum capacitors.
This is the controller assembly
2 x Russian Soviet Vacuum Variable Capacitor 10-500pF 10 kV 50A
In this video you will see how it works.